Thursday, January 29, 2009

Connecticut Wedding Theme Ideas

The unique wedding ideas will help you plan for the wedding of your dreams. Themes can be humorous, cultural, seasonal, venue-inspired or downright crazy but one thing they do is make your wedding unique and unforgettable.

Here are the top 5 wedding ideas that could help make your Connecticut wedding a remarkable one.

1.) Choose something that you and your partner thing is going to go over well with your guests. The idea should capture fun and romance. It's important to find a theme that both the bride and the groom will be comfortable with.

2.) You will also need to consider whether you would like to go for a formal or an informal wedding theme. The style of your event is very important.

3.) Know your preferences. The style of your event is also very important. Are you going to have an informal wedding? Are you a person who thinks that your big day should be something serious and thus it should be a formal one?

4.) Whatever theme you decide on, it should be chosen carefully and thought over for several days or weeks while you consider how it will be incorporated into your wedding.

5.) The venue may influence your wedding theme. A wedding that takes place in a castle could have a historical feel to it or a wedding in a seaside resort might have a tropical feel.

These are just a few ideas that may help you choose a theme for your wedding. Good luck on your wedding day!